We Have Trainings, Books, Partner Organizations, and Other Resources to Help

Speaking & Training
Speaking Engagements: Minister JR Newton, RN, M.Div Founder and President of Tapestry Ministries is available for the following presentations:
As a 30+ year survivor of domestic abuse Min. Newton is well equipped to provide trainings and speaking engagements regarding domestic abuse prevention for faith communities, corporate and community organizations, and conferences (national and international).
As a licensed minister since 2005 she is able to eloquently bring the dynamic of social justice, human rights and spirituality from the pulpit.
Min. Newton brings her life’s experiences, the Biblical message, and her publication “Healing Voices: Women of Faith Who Survived Abuse Speak Out, Volume I” make her a well sought after speaker and preacher.
Training: Tapestry Ministries is developing training for faith communities and individual groups on the dynamics of domestic violence awareness and prevention
Physical Abuse
Physical Abuse involves violent behavior such as hitting, battering, punching, slapping, cutting, burning, pinching, etc. It can also include denial of medical treatment or coercion into alcohol and drugs.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional Abuse means deflating or invalidating the victim’s self-worth and self-esteem through constant criticisms and name-calling.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse happens when the abuser forces/coerce the victim into sexual behavior or contact without their consent; marital rape, physical violence followed by forcing sex, or sexual jokes.
Psychological Abuse
Psychological Abuse is when an abuser invokes fear through intimidation, threatens to hurt themselves and others, isolation from loved ones, and prohibits the victim from going to work or school.
Economic Abuse
Economic Abuse occurs when the abuser tries or makes the victim financially reliant.
Stalking includes following the victim, watching, harassing, spying, sending gifts, collecting information, showing up at work or school, etc.
Threats to injure, hit, or use a weapon
Cyberstalking is the online action or repeated emailing inflicting significant emotional distress on the recipient.
Signs of Power & Control in Domestic Violence Situations

Copyright by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project202 East Superior Street, Duluth, MN, 55802218-722-2781
Domestic Violence Resources
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Salvation Army Domestic Violence Program for men and women 214-424-7208
Texas Muslim Women’s Foundation (Plano): 972-880-4192
Hopes Door New Beginning (Plano and Garland): 972-276-0057
Mosaic Family Services for human rights abuse survivors, sex trafficking and family violence survivors: 214-823-4434
The Family Place (Dallas/Collin County): 214-941-1991 24-hour hotline
Genesis Women’s Shelter: 214-946-4357
Emily’s Place (Plano) transitional housing: 972-424-7775
Safe Haven of Tarrant County: 877-701-7233
Housing Forward: 708.338.1724
Family Promise of Collin County: 972-442-6966
Agape Resource Center (Plano): 469-814-0453
Samaritan Inn (McKinney): 972-562-7375
Woman Called Moses: 214-590-0430
In My Shoes for pregnant women facing homelessness: 469-857-3264
Promise House (For teens): 972-379-7450
Bella House: 972-379-7450 Serves pregnant women (18 and older) who are homeless or have no stable living environment.